Selasa, 22 Februari 2011



One of the world's most romantic cities. VENICE! ♥♥

Lapangan San marco! apangan terindah di dunia.
Ini gondola. Alat transportasi tradisional venesia.
The bridge of sighs, one of hundreds bridges in Venice. Jembatan dari ruang pengadilan ke arah penjara, biasanya terdakwa berhenti di tengah jembatan ini buat liat pemandangan venezia yang terakhir kali sambih mendesah.

Acqua alta. Banjir karna pasangnya air laut. Jadi untuk sementara gondola dilarang beroperasi karna semakin banyak kolong jembatan yg tidak bisa dilewati. Jalan pun juga harus hati-hati karna tepian kanal jadi nggak terlihat. WOW!

Ini pulau pemakaman san michelle.

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011



Ini angkatan gue di alazhar 4 kemandoran, nama nya GDZ18 ( Gloria Dezoito ):D
Kita 125 anak yang bener bener solid! We have much story, tapi bentar lagi bakal bener bener pisah.
I just want to thank you for all you've done. You've helped me through a lot, you're really number one. Thanks for all the good times that we share. It shows that you're one who really does care.
Thanks for being there when time got tough. You make it easier when times get too tough.
Thanks for being there each and every day. Thanks for being my special generation, GDZ18..
Best wishes for us, semoga bisa lulus 100%! Amin. Keep solid ♥

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011



Sari Yulia Fira Ayu Icha Lolo.
They're my Friends, through good times and bad.
My friends, through happy and sad.
They're there to listen, they're there to talk with happiness, with smiles, with pain and tears.
They made me remember the good times, when i could only remember the bad.
They made me laugh, when i felt i would cry.
They can be annoying at times, but they are still my girlfriends anyway.
I think, walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
Love ya!